for Publishers & Universities
The Best of Karl Sealy brings together even more remarkable stories, just as captivating as The Pieces of Silver, My Father Before Me, and The Fields Are High—all featured in the Oxford-Cambridge OCR Collection (UK) and An Anthology of Colonial and Postcolonial Short Fiction (USA). We invite you to explore the brilliance of Sealy’s storytelling in these other compelling works. Stories of GOLD and truly the Best of Karl Sealy.
This collection offers a wealth of engaging stories for your consideration. You are welcome to preview them in a read-only, non-printable PDF. If you find one or more stories you’d like to feature in a book or e-book, we can arrange the necessary permissions. PDFs are best viewed on PC/Laptop.
Edward Baugh called him, “one of the finest, most compelling West Indian writers of prose fiction”.
List of Stories found in “The Best of Karl Sealy.” Click on number to review full story.